Emily Burnham

Software Engineer: React, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Flask/Alembic, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS

About Me



I am a software engineer, new to the field and looking to put myself out there. I've been a transhumanist since before I knew the word for it, and am incredibly passionate about technology and how we got it to where it is now. I'm excited to be a part of the next step in that process.

I'm a front end leaning full-stack developer, but have the skills to handle back end as well if needed. I'm versed in React, Redux, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Flask/Alembic, SQL(PostgreSQL), HTML5 and CSS. When I'm not coding, I enjoy reading fantasy, cyberpunk, and sci-fi novels, and gaming with friends.


Vibe is a Spotify-inspired music player, made by myself, Geoffrey Otieno and Zachary Henderson.


  • Both the front and back end are coded in Express.js.

  • Uses Bcrypt.js to handle password hashing and authentication.

  • Utilizes JWT Authentication to handle users' logging in and out, and to separate playlists.

Project Github and Deployment


GoodPokes is a Goodreads-inspired app for storing and keeping track of collections of pokemon from Generations one to seven. It was created by myself in a week in React.js, with an Express.js back end.


  • Uses Semantic UI as a framework for CSS, with inline styling for specific customizations.

  • Makes use of state to filter pokemon by type and to create dynamically generated pages for each pokemon.

  • Makes calls to PokeAPI to generate the lists of pokemon and collect further details for each.

Project Github and Deployment


Flash is a photography-focused e-commerce app. It was made by myself, Douglas Ryu and Johnny Bui. It uses a Flask backend and React for the frontend.


  • Made use of the Redux store to hold products and to reduce the reliance on external HTTP requests.

  • Integrated JWT-based authentication and a Flask backend with SQLAlchemy to keep data manageable and modular, allowing for easy database modification throughout building the app.

  • Implemented Material UI for its custom components, most notably the carousel on the front page of the app.

  • Engineered the heavy amount of array manipulation to conform to Big O standards.

  • Applies React hooks to keep class-based components to a minimum.

Project Github and Deployment